Emma Jarvis Memorial Garden

Tulip Valley Gardeners adopted the garden at the corner of 1st and Kincaid in downtown Mount Vernon several years ago. While cleaning up the overgrown garden, we discovered a plaque dedicating it to Emma Jarvis. A call out to the community through an article in the Skagit Valley Herald garnered information on this active community member.

Over the years we have added many perennials, tulip and daffodils. We have spread buckets and buckets of mulch; and we continue to weed and deadhead as needed.

Recognizing that our small club may not always be able to do the maintenance, we started fundraising to establish an endowment fund through the Skagit Community Foundation. We have raised over $15,000 of our goal of $25,000 through plant sales, selling our beautiful evergreen wreaths and from donations from generous community members who value preserving nature and beauty in our city.

Want to support our fund? 

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