Tulip Valley Gardeners
We meet monthly at 5:30 pm at various locations in Mount Vernon area. Our meetings begin with a light dinner and social time, a quick business meeting, and then a gardening related presentation or hands on project.
Upcoming meetings:
Wednesday, October 2nd, 5:30 pm, Mount Vernon Senior Center
Wednesday, November 6th, 5:30 pm, Mount Vernon Senior Center
Wednesday, December 4th, time and location to be determined
Please contact us at tulipvalleygardeners@gmail.com for more information.
Thank you to everyone who joined us at the
Mount Vernon Garden and Art Fair
We hope to see you again next year!
At our latest workshop, TVG members made mushrooms for our gardens and for sale at the Mount Vernon Garden and Art Fair in June.
Tulip Valley Gardeners is a registered 501c(3).
We are a member of the Washington State Federation of Garden Clubs, Pacific Region Garden Clubs, and National Garden Clubs.
Support Tulip Valley Gardeners and help us build our permanent endowment fund for the Emma Jarvis Memorial Garden by signing up for Fred Meyer Rewards. Click here for instructions on how to sign up and make your buying power go further!